IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.9' /10 (313)
Trailer: YouTube

Staatsfeind Nr.1


A nearsighted clerk gets fired after embarrassing mishaps. He mistakenly takes a gangster's raincoat, finds a gun inside, and is arrested as Public Enemy No. 1. Chaos erupts as both the police and the mob pursue him.

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    Staatsfeind Nr.1 online | 14.12.2024 - Staatsfeind Nr.1 HD Stream

    Download | 14.12.2024 - Staatsfeind Nr.1.streamkiste.[1953].German.HD.x264

    Summary & Details

    A nearsighted clerk gets fired after embarrassing mishaps. He mistakenly takes a gangster's raincoat, finds a gun inside, and is arrested as Public Enemy No. 1. Chaos erupts as both the police and the mob pursue him.


    92 Min.

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