IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.1' /10 (111)
Trailer: YouTube

Modern Warriors


Over 80 of the world's greatest martial artists demonstrate techniques and discuss philosophy in this fascinating account of the martial arts phenomenon and its increasing global popularity. See rare footage of some of the world's greatest kick boxers. Witness the stars training and analyze their techniques. Learn about competitions such as K-1, the world's most popular martial arts competition. Discover what separates the sports styles and the spiritual style of martial arts.

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    Modern Warriors online | 12.11.2024 - Modern Warriors HD Stream

    Download | 12.11.2024 - Modern Warriors.streamkiste.[2002].German.HD.x264

    Summary & Details

    Over 80 of the world's greatest martial artists demonstrate techniques and discuss philosophy in this fascinating account of the martial arts phenomenon and its increasing global popularity. See rare footage of some of the world's greatest kick boxers. Witness the stars training and analyze their techniques. Learn about competitions such as K-1, the world's most popular martial arts competition. Discover what separates the sports styles and the spiritual style of martial arts.


    56 Min.

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